Home Eduction
Deep Blue Athletics is offering a new program just for Homeschoolers!! 1 hour of movement in the gym combined with 1 hour in our classroom completing engaging learning projects that center around the areas of social skills, growth mindset work, and self-empowerment.​​
In the gym, your child will gain an opportunity to move and play, to take risks, and build their strength and flexibility. Tumbling skills are taught based on individual abilities.
As a bonus, this program can help check off Home Education requirements for Physical Education as well as Health and Wellness objectives.
Your child will learn what it takes to be a leader and habits needed to be a good citizen.
Participants will get a Deep Blue t-shirt as well as take home a final project and certificate.
Grades 2 - 5
Monday 1:00-3:00
10 weeks $360 or
20 weeks $650
Field Trips
Field trips are offered to schools, daycares, pre-schools as well as home school groups. Each trip is designed to meet physical literacy, movement & exploration curriculums focusing on gross motor skills and imagination, while both experiencing a very unique outing and interactive experience!
We offer age and ability appropriate activities led by our certified coaches, who are enthusiastic and professional. We aim to challenge each participant, build confidence and to increase cardiovascular health for all students.
While at our facility our energetic staff will guide your students through small group and whole class movement activities in our large open gym space. Students will be challenged to complete a series of fitness activities and cooperation games in this high-energy movement field trip!
Each class includes a cardio warm up, group activities throughout the gym, including but not limited to use of blocks, mats, gymnastics equipment, parachutes and as well as a game portion that focuses on fun themes to improve motor skills & increase body awareness.

Student Athlete Academy
Deep Blue Cheer Academy is proud to partner with Parkland School Division to provide a high performance cheerleading, tumbling and training program.
The Parkland School Division Student Athlete Development Academy is a program for Grades 6-12 that provides student athletes in pursuit of high performance with technical, theoretical and experiential opportunities, while keeping them engaged in a rich and complete school community focused on academic achievement. Our aim is to provide local, high quality affordable options for unique high performance sport programming.
This program is a collaboration between Parkland School Division and a number of community partners who offer high quality athletic development in their given sport. This program offers a pathway that provides student athletes with technical, theoretical and experimental opportunities in the pursuit of high performance athletics while being immersed in a rich and complete school community and focusing on achieving academic goals.
Please direct all questions to Vanessa
Deep Blue Athletics Academy
(780) 948-0395